Christmas Decorating Tips and Tricks

As our hearts remain heavy and the tears continue to fall over the events on Friday, we could all use a diversion, some comfort, and respite from the sadness. I will continue to blog this week in hopes that the beauty, light, joy, and entertainment that home and craft blogs bring to our world will give hurting hearts a moment of distraction and a break from the sadness. From one hurting momma to another, blessings, healing, love, and {{hugs}}.

Christmas Decorating Tips & Tricks

I received numerous emails last week asking how I was able to get some of my Christmas decorations to “stick”.  So today I thought I would share with you all of my Christmas decorating tips and tricks! First up, let’s answer the most popular questions. How did I hang my kitchen wreaths and the burlap bow on my refrigerator?

christmas kitchen

 Click to read all of the tips and tricks…